Articles (35)

  1. Person Centred Meetings

    The SEND Code of Practice and the Children and Families Act 2014 states that Local Authorities in carrying out their functions in relation to disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEN), must have regard to: The views, wishes and feelings…
  2. Personal Budget - Education Element

    Element 1 -Schools and colleges receive base funding for all children and young people to provide a school place as part of universal services and this funding cannot be used as a personal budget Element 2 -Schools and colleges also receive up to £6000 of…
  3. Personal Budgets

    A Personal Budget is an allocation of funding identified by the Local Authority (and, if appropriate, the Clinical Commissioning Group) to provide support to meet all or some of the outcomes identified in an EHC Plan. A Personal Budget can be provided in circumstances where…
  4. Post 16 Education, Training & Employment

    Sefton Council’s aim is that all young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) are well prepared for adulthood and are supported to achieve their potential. High quality provision should be in place to enable young people to progress in learning, with the long…
  5. Preparing for Adulthood Guide

    Preparing for Adulthood Guide The guide is aimed at young people with SEND who are approaching their latter school years, it gives information on the preparing-for-adulthood process, what to expect, what they should be considering at each stage and who to contact for support and…
  6. Pupil Referral Unit - IMPACT

    IMPACT provides a full time statutory education for young people from year 7 – year 11 who, for a variety of reasons are unable to access mainstream school.  In Key Stage 3 this is on average for a 20 week placement which is based on…
  7. Pupil Referral Unit - Jigsaw

    Jigsaw is a Pupil Referral Unit for primary aged children.  It supports pupils who are exhibiting significant social, emotional and mental health needs . Most of those pupils will be supported in a preventative manner, the aim being to avoid the need for permanent exclusion.…
  8. Sefton SEN and Inclusion Service

    Sefton has a range of support services that work with early years settings and schools to help children or young people with special educational needs or disability to develop, be included and make good progress across the academic, social and emotional aspects of their life,…
  9. Specialist Teachers

    The Specialist Teachers deliver direct teaching to identified students in schools across Sefton who have specific learning difficulties particularly with aspects of literacy and numeracy. They are a team of experienced teachers with additional specialist qualifications and are able to assess pupils to establish areas…
  10. Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS)

    Technology enabled care services are designed to empower and assist people to live independently in their own home, manage their own conditions and to ultimately improve health outcomes. Technology Enabled Care (TEC) can be defined as "any device or system that allows an individual to…
  11. Virtual School

    Sefton Virtual School supports cared for children and previously cared for children. It exists as a collaborative endeavour, with different professionals and stakeholders across the Local Authority holding Corporate Parenting as a priority throughout. There are a number of barriers that can prevent Cared For…
  12. Visual Needs Team

    The Visual Needs Team facilitates the inclusion and academic progress of children and young people with a clinical diagnosis of visual impairment. This is achieved through direct teaching and support to schools, settings and parents. The team receives referrals from the Ophthalmology departments at Alder…
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