Articles (12)

  1. Health and Well-being Board

    The role of the Health and Wellbeing Board is to: Encourage integrated working between commissioners of health services, to public health and social care services. Encourage those who provide services related to wider effects of health, so such as housing, to work closely with the…
  2. Ofsted SEND revisit outcome information

    Sefton Council wants children and young people across the borough to reach their full potential and fully recognises that services for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) need improvements. An action plan has been developed and agreed by the Department for Education (DfE)…
  3. SEND Inspection Information

    Joint local area SEND inspection in Sefton 2016 OFSTED SEND Revisit Outcome Information Click here to view the Statement re Joint Commissioning Sefton Council and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. Ofsted SEND revisit outcome information Sefton Council wants children and young people across the borough…
  4. Special educational needs survey (SEN 2)

    Local authorities should report data for the annual special educational needs survey, commonly known as SEN2. The SEN2 survey is a statutory data collection that takes place every January. You must complete a statutory collection by law unless there’s a good reason not to. The…
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