Articles (174)

  1. Sefton Universal Services

    The majority of families will be able to access universal services and are encouraged to make use of the Sefton Directory, this provides helpful information and advice, and can be accessed by any practitioner, child, young person or family member. The Sefton CVS Directory is also available.   These…
  2. SEN Support in the Early Years

    Identification of Special Educational Needs Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates.  They learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents (The Early…
  3. SEND Inspection Information

    Joint local area SEND inspection in Sefton 2016 OFSTED SEND Revisit Outcome Information Click here to view the Statement re Joint Commissioning Sefton Council and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. Ofsted SEND revisit outcome information Sefton Council wants children and young people across the borough…
  4. SENDIASS - Information, Advice and Support Service

    The information, advice and support service can provide support for parents carers and young people in arranging and attending meetings as well as offering advocacy support. The service aims to offer impartial advice and information to assist parents and carers to make informed choices about…
  5. Sexual Health Centre

    We provide sexual health services across the communities of Sefton. Our service is free and confidential for everyone. We offer a choice of walk-in, or appointment clinics and designated under 25 only sessions. You can state your preference to be seen by either male or…
  6. Special educational needs survey (SEN 2)

    Local authorities should report data for the annual special educational needs survey, commonly known as SEN2. The SEN2 survey is a statutory data collection that takes place every January. You must complete a statutory collection by law unless there’s a good reason not to. The…
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