Stanley High School

Our school motto provides us with the ambition that all youngsters in our care are equipped with high-quality learning experiences that prepare them for life in the 21st century, whilst simultaneously providing them with the traditional values of courtesy and self-discipline that have and always will be important for success in life beyond school.

 We have high aspirations for all our students. We expect our most academically able students to aim for Oxbridge entry, but we are equally committed to ensuring that all students develop the entrepreneurial and social skills that make them attractive to future employers.

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Age Ranges
From 11 years to 16 years

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
11-15 Years Old

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?
  • Class and subject teachers, supported by the leadership team, make regular assessments of progress for all pupils. Where pupils are falling behind or making inadequate progress given their age and starting point they will be identified as needing extra support through the Quality First Offer stage.  The class and subject teachers will be involved in drawing up an appropriate strategy sheet for the individual pupil which will be based on where they are not making expected progress.  Parents will be notified of these strategies.
  • Where pupils continue to make inadequate progress, despite high-quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness, the class teacher (s), working with the SENCO, will assess whether the child has a significant learning difficulty. Where this is the case, then parents will be invited to attend school and discuss the possible different/additional provision required their child.
  • Once a potential special educational need is identified, four types of action will be taken to put effective support in place – Assess, Plan, Do, Review – this is the graduated approach called SEN Support.
  • Where a pupil is receiving SEN support, school and parents will meet regularly (at least termly) to set clear goals, discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them, review progress and identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the school.
  • Parents who have concerns about their children should contact their form tutor in the first instance.  Concerns about SEND can then be addressed with the school’s SENCO
How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

The approaches listed on our SEN Information report (SIR), which can be found on our website (Click for details), reflect adjustments that can be offered within all classrooms at Stanley High School.  They are indicative of good teaching and benefit a range of learners, whether they have been identified as requiring SEN support or not.  For convenience the strategies have been grouped within the types of need identified by the Code of Practice.  However the intention is that teachers, with guidance and support from the SENCO, will utilise the adjustments they feel will support the pupils in their class. 

The SIR list is therefore not an exhaustive or exclusive list.  It simply summarises approaches that can be drawn upon to create an inclusive learning environment.  Approaches could vary considerably depending upon the needs of the pupils in a class or the subject taught.  Stanley High School staff will make a professional judgement regarding the strategies they employ to promote progress. 

Some approaches may be particularly pertinent to individual pupils.  In these circumstances the desired strategies will be listed in the pupil’s strategy sheet and attached to their electronic personal files– and it would be expected that those approaches were employed on a regular basis.  Parents will be notified and sent a copy of the strategies on request.

Stanley High School employs a team of experienced Teaching Assistants who may support pupils within the classroom or in small booster sessions where appropriate.

In addition we  employ Academic and Pastoral mentors whose work with students also forms part of our individual school’s offer.  We operate a system of setting to support a child’s progress and learning including a smaller group size class in each year group for those in need of specific support.

Various other interventions are available which are also part of our Quality First Offer as a school and will be employed as and when they are deemed necessary for an individuals or a groups progress to be supported or maintained. 

As a Physically Disabled resourced school since 2003, we are fully equipped and resourced for non-ambulant pupils.  We also employ a full-time First Aider to help ensure the needs of those with health issues are effectively met.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

Currently pupils choose one GCSE (or equivalent) course to take in Year 9 alongside their usual KS3 studies and one GCSE taster (no- examined) subject to study for a year.  They have a choice of 3 to take in year 10 (these are taken over a 2 year period).  Students are supported in their choices by their form tutor’s and faculty staff, based on their performance in areas related to the topics on offer. 

Subject teachers and Leaders provide advice for individual pupils in their area and will explain the content of courses and the aptitude needed to pass in their particular subject(s).

An extensive information booklet is provided for Pupils and their parents to support their choices of preferred subjects at KS4 and this is accompanied by an information evening early in the Spring term where parents and pupils have access to relevant staff (including Career Connect) and information to support them in choosing appropriate subjects. 

Pupils (and their parents) are informed of the subjects they will be studying for KS4 examinations as soon as possible before the next curriculum year begins. 

Where a student has SEN or additional needs then a discussion about their option choices with the SENCO will form part of the review meetings prior to them choosing what they wish to study.  They will also benefit from at least one interview with our Career Connect Personal Adviser. 

In Years 7 and 8 the setting of students allows for teaching and curriculum to be pitched at the most appropriate level.  Where a specific need is identified a child’s timetable and curriculum diet can be altered to suit.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

Stanley High School tracks progress for all pupils.  Targets are identified from KS2 indicators and the expected progress students should make based on these indicators.  Where a child’s KS2 results are not available, the SENCO or another relevant member of staff will work with the Data Manager to set targets appropriate to the pupil’s current level of working. 

There is a rigorous approach to the monitoring and evaluation of SEN support.  Our tracking of pupils includes quantitative data and progress towards identified outcomes.  Progress and Attitude to Learning grades are submitted by class teachers four times a year.  These are based on class work, homework, assessment tasks, exam results and professional judgement of the class teacher.  This data not only forms the basis of a tracking report which is sent to parents.  It is also used as data to track individual pupil’s performance when deciding on who needs support and what support may be needed for that individual to improve. 

Along with this usual tracking against KS2 indicators data we also take into account CAT (Cognitive Ability Testing) scores.  Each student will take CAT tests in Year 7 and in Year 9.  At Stanley High School we may also use this data as a further tool to support investigation into the need for an SEN plan or to alter QFO strategies. 

Where a child is identified as not making expected progress in subject areas, despite the QFO strategies,  then all available data and investigative conclusions will be utilised to develop the SEN support plan along with parents and any other necessary agencies that may have been identified.  If it becomes apparent that a pupil needs more regular checks on progress then class teachers and other stakeholders will be asked to provide information as required and parents will be informed of any developments or identified needs. 

The code of practice recognises that for some pupils it is necessary to track progress outside of academic attainment.  If it is relevant then these areas will be outlined in a pupils QFO strategy sheet or in their SEN Support plan.  

Please be aware that Year 7 students are tracked three times across an academic year as we begin out year in June at Stanley high School.  Therefore Year 7 entrants in September will only be involved in three out of the four tracking points.  Also keep in mind that “Life without Levels” became live for Year 7 students across the country from September 2014 so Year 7 and Year 8 reported grades will differ from the rest of the school and from those you may recognise at the moment.  Further information on this development will be available from School on request. 

Students struggling to make progress will be identified and parents will be informed of interventions available based on the individual.  Parents will be invited to discuss issues with either Form tutor, Head of Year, classroom teacher, SENCO or the intervention team – depending on the issue and the proposed support

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

“Disabled students, those with special educational needs and those who speak English as an additional language make similar progress to their peers. Individual needs are identified quickly and teachers and other adults provide the support they need. Physically disabled students receiving the special resourced provision make good progress because of the carefully targeted support alongside the opportunity to develop independence.” (OFSTED November 2012) 

Stanley High School’s Leaders regularly review expertise within the SEN, Pastoral and Mentor teams to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills required to best support pupils in school.  Continuous Professional Development Opportunities are offered to or sought out by staff to further improve knowledge and skills or to learn new ones. 

Whole staff training in SEN is identified and met through the Appraisal process for all staff and through INSET (In-service training) provision (borough, cluster and school). SEN training sessions are organised as required to meet the current needs of staff and are be led by the SENCO, another appropriate member of staff or by a relevant outside agency. 

Special Educational Needs provision at Stanley High School is led by our Assistant Head teacher, Mrs. Fraser-Orr, who has been a SENCO since 2003 and has held Leadership responsibility in a number of related areas since 2006.  As well as having wide-ranging SEN experience, she is a Graduate of “Kindred Spirits” Disabilities Course and holds a National Professional qualification in matters relating to Social, Behavioural and Attendance issues. 

Within the SEN, Pastoral and Mentor Teams there is a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting pupils with barriers to learning.  These include Literacy and Numeracy mentors, Academic and Personal  Mentors,  Family Support Workers, Looked After Children expertise, staff experienced in dealing with behavioural issues, communication needs, physical or sensory difficulties, cognitive or learning needs as well as mental or emotional health issues.  Where appropriate, pupils will be assigned time with one of the team to support their progress in school and to help boost their self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities to achieve. 

The school subscribes to the services of SSENIS (Sefton Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Service) and asks for the advice of specialist advisory teachers/Inclusion Consultants as and when necessary. The Pastoral Manager regularly meets with the Educational Welfare Officer to discuss any matters of concern. The Educational Psychologist comes into school to work with individuals or offers advice as appropriate as does our Inclusion Consultant in matters of an individual’s ability to access curriculum or exams.

Where necessary, the school will refer a student to an external specialist after consultation with parents.

The school has regular contact with health professionals, such as the school nurse, GPs, speech & language therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. We may also contact specialist medical services, social care or voluntary organisations and may carry out specialist programmes recommended by them. We will provide them with any relevant information requested, with the permission of parents.

As a School we welcome parental input and advice regarding their child and endeavor to allow ample opportunity for these discussions to take place with key members of staff.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?
  1. In line with the Equality Act 2010 Stanley High School  is committed to uphold the right of each individual to realise his or her full potential whatever their ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disadvantage, by making the most effective use of their skills and talents, both for the benefit of others and to achieve self-fulfilment. This statement applies to all students and staff at the school.
  2.  Our SMSC Policy based upon the seven Olympic values is about creating an ethos where all learners (including staff) have a clear sense of right and wrong and that behaviour that is anyway racist, homophobic or bigoted will not be tolerated. (Stanley high School Equal opportunities Policy) 

Special facilities and building adaptations:

The building has wheelchair access and there are toilet facilities for disabled students and staff. The school has implemented its Accessibility Plan since 2003, which aims to continue to further improve access to all facilities and the curriculum.  The school has in place A DDA (Disability Access) plan in line with the introduction of a Disability Equality Duty for the Public Sector.  This is in response to the Disability and Discrimination Act of 2005.  The current DDA plan is available from school on request. 

Stanley High School has a purpose built support base to allow for students with a variety of needs to access support during unstructured time or to attend for booster sessions relevant to their need.  This enables pupils to participate more fully in all areas of school life. 

We also have a purpose built medical room, full time first aider and SEN staff trained in intimate care and those experienced in supporting in different areas of the curriculum (including those with a more practical or specialist content).  A variety of equipment around school helps to support able-bodied and non-ambulant SEN students to access the school curriculum. 

Each student will have their own individual needs to support progress and access to the whole school curriculum and these will be written into their SEN support plan or form part of their QFO teaching and learning strategies. 

As a designated school for students who have a disability, our policy is to include in all areas of curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

Please see above

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

Stanley High School has well established links with post-16 providers both locally and further afield.  We invite these providers into school to talk with Year 11 and Year 10 students (where appropriate) and explain what is on offer at their establishments and their ethos and day to day practice. 

Stanley High School also takes time to visit as many of these key learning centres as possible and provide pupils with an opportunity to see them in action and take part in taster sessions for their relevant courses. 

Our SENCo and Information and Guidance lead attends local college updates when introducing new courses and can advise on post-16 courses and establishments for individuals who experience learning or social difficulties. Again, discussions of this nature will take place as part of the review process for any pupil on SEN Support or for whom it may be otherwise appropriate. 

The SEN department works closely with post-16 providers to transfer any SEN or other relevant information before the pupils arrive at their college of choice.

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

Stanley High School staff will identify pupils within each assessment cycle who are not making appropriate progress, this could be for a myriad of reasons related to any of the four areas identified as SEND by the New Code of Practice.  Once identified the SENCO and relevant colleagues will consider all the factors that could affect progress and decide whether any SEN is impacting on learning.  At this point we may consult with outside professionals to help gain a better understanding of the individual pupil’s profile.  Alternatively we may feel they have enough information to decide next steps in-house.  

If the school decides that the pupil requires a SEN support plan to make progress, then we will contact the parents / carers and put effective special educational provision in place through consultation and sharing of information and good practice. 

Having identified a Special Educational Need the strategies put in place to support individuals to achieve their targeted outcomes is best described by the “Graduate Approach” method.  This has four stages – Assess, Plan, Do Review. 

Resources and support are allocated based on need and can be wide ranging.  The planning and reviewing of these to suit individuals is central to our work.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Decisions are reached using a variety of evidence and advice from interested parties: 

  • Primary School
  • Tracking data
  • Anecdotal evidence
  • Specific need of child
  • Any documentation pertaining to specific neeed(s)
  • External agencies involved
  • Staff of the school

All is collated by the SENCO and a plan put in place that is then reviewed regularly.

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

As a School we welcome parental input and advice regarding their child and endeavor to allow ample opportunity for these discussions to take place with key members of staff.

  •  There is regular discussion at Head teacher question and answer sessions 
  • Parental feedback through our website and Virtual Learning Platform
  • Parents evenings and other events 
  • Many other opportunities to discuss and seek/offer advice , including Family Support Workers and Form tutors

Last Updated

Last updated: 10/01/2024


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